Learn How Settlements WorkYou'll achieve a settlement much faster if you understand how settlements work and what a "normal" settlement deal looks like.
Ask to watch our free videos. In half an hour you'll be one large step closer to settlement: Avoid MisinformationToo many separating people struggle with reaching a settlement because they don't know what they're doing. Of course: very few people have been divorced before.
Worse still, there is a lot of misinformation out there, maybe from well-meaning friends who don't actually know what they're talking about, or lawyers with an adversarial perspective. Not knowing how it works, coupled with misinformation, causes crazy and totally unnecessary delays and fees, and adds even more tension than already existed. But you can avoid those traps, by watching short video lessons about divorce settlements. Once you see how it works, you have a far greater chance of reaching a settlement - quickly and inexpensively. [Over 80% of couples reach agreement as a result.]