If you are a family law mediator, here are three ways we may be able to work together:
1. Join our Panel of Independent Mediators
Divorce Partners refers mediation clients to professional mediators. We are expanding rapidly and currently need more experienced family law mediators in all areas of Australia to join our Panel.
Context As you can see from our website, our core conviction at Divorce Partners is that separating couples are far better to work for a settlement using neutral advisors rather than going straight to lawyers and the courts. We offer a range of services to get them there. Mediation is one of those central services. Due to growing volumes, we need more Mediators to help our clients. We offer you the opportunity to receive referred clients from us. We'd like to send Client Referrals to you We only occasionally perform mediations directly ourselves. We don't have a monopoly on mediation skills! But it turns out we are quite good at marketing - our volume of enquiries is growing rapidly. So we are expanding our Panel of Independent Mediators. If you're keen to be offered new clients for your mediation services, then please make contact and start a discussion with us about joining our Panel. We'd like to discuss with you our approach to helping couples reach settlements, so we can check whether our styles are compatible. And of course we would need to talk through the basic expectations we would have of each other. If you're interested in discussing this, please use the Mediator Enquiry Form at the bottom of the page to start a conversation. 2. We're also looking for Independent Settlement Report Writers
You can read elsewhere in the website about our unique service called Settlement Reports.
Our Settlement Reports create tremendous value for clients who approach financial settlement with an open mind and are willing to learn and think things through carefully. The bulk of clients who order these Reports end up reaching agreement along the lines we recommend. Due to growing demand, we are looking for more Mediators and Family Lawyers to write these reports. It's interesting work that harnesses your experience and allows you to help clients reach sensible outcomes with minimum stress. If you are interested in learning more about this opportunity, please let us know using the form below and we'll discuss it with you. 3. Other Services You May Find Helpful
Mediation is just one of the services we offer to our prospects and clients.
Although we undertake only some mediations ourselves, we provide several services that may be attractive to you as an Independent Mediator, as follows: (a) On-boarding for Financial Mediation Clients We offer Mediators an On-boarding Service for your own clients you work with on financial (property) mediations. This service involves us preparing your clients' financial information for you in readiness for your mediation - a preparatory task that can be tedious for you. The On-boarding Service includes the following:
The information is provided to you in Excel or Google Sheets format and also in PDF format. Turnaround time is 24-48 hours. Naturally we operate under strict Confidentiality Terms. We charge a flat fee of $100 +GST for the service. (b) "Range Read" Service Our Range Read service can be extremely helpful in preparing clients for financial mediation. You can read about the Range Read in detail here, but essentially the service is a short report that helps guide clients to understand what a "normal" range should be for them in terms of the proportional division of their wealth between them. It has an "anchoring" effect. It is highly influential in nudging the parties away from extreme or unrealistic expectations about what they "ought" to receive in their settlement deal. No doubt you've experienced this issue many times. Providing a neutral objective reading of their situation, prior to commencing the mediation, can significantly reduce your burden in trying to find a consensus position. When the couple enters the mediation already aware of the ballpark range (not a precise figure), it can save you some hours of stress and considerably reduce resistance from one or both of the parties. Using the Report as part of your discussion can improve the dynamics and reduce the sense that one or both of the clients are fighting with you. You may find it helpful to position the Report as independent of your own opinions, or as external validation of views you intend to put to the clients. Clearly if you want to utilise the Range Read service, you should order it a few days in advance of your first mediation session. You may order it directly yourself or ask your clients to order it. (c) Formal Documentation As you can see on our website, we help produce formal documentation of settlement agreements. This includes both Consent Orders and Binding Financial Agreements. Our fees for these services are generally less expensive than almost all other providers. And we pay Referral Fees for introductions. We can take your mediated Heads of Agreement through to detailed formats as prescribed in the Family Law Act. Since we are not a law firm, we are able to liaise directly and quickly with both parties in order to finalise the myriad small items that need to be pinned down. This substantially reduces time and friction. And no, we don't "unstitch" deals. You've done the hard work securing an agreement. We just take care of the formalisation process. Yes, we do include lawyers in our review process. Just as we have a panel of Independent Mediators, we have a Panel of Independent Lawyers who will review the work before sign-off. We brief the matters into our panel law firms once all the preparatory work has been completed. Where Consent Orders are being used, we'll arrange electronic lodgement with the Court. Where a Binding Financial Agreement is being used, we'll arrange for Certificates of Advice prior to signing. We charge clients fixed fees, inclusive of the law firms' fees, court filing fees, liaison with super funds and property title searches where applicable. We provide clients with flexible payment options, to put the services within reach of all couples. So if you are not wedded to a particular law firm or firms for generating your clients' documentation, and would like to provide your clients a faster and more affordable option, of course we'd be happy to help your clients! Your clients would jointly contract with us directly after your introduction. We provide a Referral Fee to you (at your option), for referring the clients to us. Generally this ends up between $250 and $400 per referral. Make Contact