Whether couples sort out their financial settlement directly between themselves, or they use neutral mediators, or they use lawyers, or they go to court, the proportional splits pretty much always end up in the same average range.
Here's what the statistics show. As you can see above, the overwhelming majority of all separating couples end up dividing their wealth within a predictable range. Almost certainly, so will you.
It's just a question of how much time, money and stress you end up spending to get there. If you choose the right path, you'll get a fair result quickly and save a lot of money... ...So Choose Your Path CarefullyHere's the key issue to understand: you only have a few methods to negotiate your settlement. If you can't sort it out between you, then you can (a) go to lawyers, or (b) go to court, or (c) go to neutral mediators (eg Divorce Partners).
If you choose lawyers or courts, then whether you realise it or not, you’re choosing an adversarial path – you’re declaring war. That always makes it antagonistic, slow and expensive. And the tragedy of those two options is this: you simply won't get a better financial result. You'll just burn up money and years of your life, for a worse outcome. Our ApproachBy contrast, at Divorce Partners we’re neutral, so we work for both of you, not just one side.
Whether your situation is amicable or hostile, mediation produces faster outcomes and superior net financial results at substantially lower cost than the alternatives. At Divorce Partners, we use a “shuttle” mediation method, meaning we talk to you each separately by phone and/or email, over a 1-3 week period, exploring potential arrangements until we find a set of terms you both can live with. No uncomfortable or stressful face-to-face negotiations with your ex. And no pressure to make on-the-spot decisions. You won't get lost in complex legal theories where both sides are pushing for outrageously unfair terms. We keep things clean, simple and practical so you can sleep easy at night, knowing you ended up with a fair and reasonable outcome. Try The Low Risk, Low Cost And
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